How to install fb630p on Linux Luis F. Cisneros ( 15 Jun 2002 This instalation works perfectly with the canon fb630p installed on Mandrake 8.2, and should work for the following scanners: FB630P, FB330P, N640P and N340P scanners This document is based on the instalation of sane 1.0.8, which includes a driver for these scanners. *First, you will need to download the following files: libieee1284-0.1.6.tar.gz sane-backends-1.0.8.tar.gz sane-frontends-1.0.8.tar.gz xsane-0.86.tar.gz *Installation of libieee1284 In the last version (0.1.6) of libieee1284, there is a build problem. If you don't have docbook2man you need make some corrections on the and files. Delete from these files the lines: docbook2man -o doc $< docbook2man -o doc $< Also, in remove "install-man" from the line install-data-am: install-includeHEADERS install-man Once you've put in these corrections, you can install libieee1284 normally (./configure, make, make install). *With Libieee1284 installed, you need to add the line "/usr/local/lib" to /etc/ and execute ldconfig as root *Now we need to install sane-backends-1.0.8. After you've done this, be sure that the file is in the /usr/local/lib/sane/ folder Install sane-backend (./configure, make, make install) And finally delete the symbol (#) from the line "#canon_pp" on the file /usr/local/etc/sane.d/dll.conf *The next step is to install sane-frontends-1.0.8 and xsane. The instalation of both packages will be as the typical way (./configure, make, make install) It should now be working. If Xsane dosnt detect your scanner, you may have problems with ppdev. To solve these problems follow the next steps. (if you do this, you only can execute xsane as root) *We need to make some changes on the configuration files. In a console, as root, execute the next commands: $ uname -r You will get an answer like 2.4.18-6mdk (this can vary with the distribution installed, in this case, mandrake 8.2) $ cd /lib/modules/******/kernel/drivers/char where ***** is the answer of the step before (2.4.18-6mdk) $ mv ppdev.o ppdev.bak If this dosnt work, execute ls and check the format file of ppdev.o. This could be compressed (ppdev.o.gz). Execute the rename command with the appropiate extension (eg. $ mv ppdev.o.gz ppdev.o.gz.bak) That is all folks!!!!. It should now work.. execute as root xsane and enjoy it. :)